'Tis the season to revel in things that are comforting, whether it be boycotting the Jan diet for leftover Roses chocolates, or just time spent under blankets by a fireplace (constantly striving for the latter, but alas, central heating will have to do). December embodies that juxtaposing time when we're in non-stop, overwhelming party season (or should I say, hangover season...), that then precedes the month of January, aka the month sans alcohol (well, less than the one before) and considerably less fun times. But the constant through both months is that we're always seeking comfort in one way or another, even if it's just a cup of tea in our pyjamas (and if you're doing Dry Jan, this post is definitely for you).
Just like how some of us find cleaning, tidying or art therapeutic (not that I fall into the first two brackets as my housemates will happily tell you), the ritual of making tea has long been a means of taking time for a mind-break for me, whether you're at work and need to escape the screen for five or simply trying to rouse from slumber on dark and cold mornings. It's slowly becoming more of an indulgence in my life; taking time to actually choose good tea, try new flavours and make more of an effort to enjoy, rather than gulp it down without thinking. Thankfully, I'm far from the days at University where a supermarkets-own green tea bag was re-used about four times until deemed done with (not that there's anything wrong with that, but I am happy to be out that habit!). Now, there's all types of fruit, herbal and blends to satisfy every taste bud, most of which I can't pronounce, but nevertheless, love.
Without claiming to be a tea connoisseur, I'd say I've tried my fair share of teas and can quite boldly say that Adagio teas* are pretty damn good. The brand's ethos is to create fresh, high-quality and full-leaf teas, sourced straight from farmers, which sets them apart from a lot of brands you'd find in a supermarket (and their website is quite a hub of info when it comes to teas, particularly the health benefits which is really interesting (there is a lot more to tea than meets the eye it seems!). I've been trying out their extensive selections of teas (from green to chai to iced) and found a new love in peach matcha. Given it's the month that you at least make that conscious effort to move a bit more, an energising, feel-good drink post-gym is actually something I've started to look forward to and considering it's matcha, really tastes good. Vanilla green tea is another favourite and perfect for a morning pick-me-up.
Not only are their teas delicious, their tea-accessory game is strong. I don't think I'm the only one to think that this iron teapot and matching cups are pretty damn impressive (the first time I've actually considered a teapot to be cool). Mustard shades have long been my calling (couldn't be more obvious from my Instagram feed), and this one ticks all the boxes. Moulded, painted and glased by hand, you can even see the process on their website.
You can find out more about Adagio here. All photographs taken by myself.
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