The epitome of millennial pink and the brand on everybody's lips right now, Glossier is going at full force on skincare world domination. Their latest Body Hero campaign has got people talking bodies for all the right reasons, empowering women and doing it in style; is there anything this brand can't make cool? They've even glamourised a pink bubble-wrap laden ziplock bag and we have fallen right for it (you can even buy them individually for $4...). So, hearing that the brand is making its way over the ocean to the UK is something skincare-fanatic Brits have wanted to hear for quite some time (myself included), and it's finally becoming a reality. These are the three I've tried so far...

"One face wash to rule them all."
Milk Jelly Cleanser
First up, Glossier's Milk Jelly Cleanser. A gel-formula that's got a creamy consistency and works into your skin to give you that clean feeling (not as common as I want it to be with cleansers), it's easy to see why it's so popular. Interestingly, it's cleansing powder is made with the same stuff that you find in contact solution, so for sensitive eyes it's a plus.
Milk Jelly Cleanser
First up, Glossier's Milk Jelly Cleanser. A gel-formula that's got a creamy consistency and works into your skin to give you that clean feeling (not as common as I want it to be with cleansers), it's easy to see why it's so popular. Interestingly, it's cleansing powder is made with the same stuff that you find in contact solution, so for sensitive eyes it's a plus.

"Light and buildable moisture for a dewy, smooth canvas."
Priming Moisturizer
Priming Moisturizer
Next up, the Priming Moisturizer. Before using this, I assumed it was a bog-standard moisturiser that does what it says on the tin, given the low price point. Couldn't have been more wrong. Full of all the good stuff like hyaluronic acid, an alphabet of vitamins and an anti-redness complex, it really does tick all the boxes and the effects show instantly.
"Skincare + makeup = Haloscope, the galaxy’s first dew effect highlighter."
Any highlighter or bronzer that is a non-powder has never got on well with my skin, moving my foundation or being difficult to blend with dry skin is hard to work with at the best of times. The lightness of Haloscope makes it so much easier to use than others, as it promises it's glowy, dew-inducing and gives you that sheen that we oh so desire.
Have you tried any Glossier products?
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