Our lives are increasingly becoming cycles of relentless exhaustion (that we disguise with ample caffeine and under-eye concealer), and whether what gets you is deadlines, commutes or, more enviably, relentless social lives, the tiredness occasionally needs to be addressed with a little more vigour than getting your seven hours shut-eye. Sources of seaweed, like kelp, and magnesium have long been harnessed into what we eat and what we put on our skin to counteract the effects of this, having been proven to make a significant difference. Working to balance your cortisol levels (cortisol is known as the 'stress hormone', and it regulates the bodies response to stress), energizing skin itself, as well as naturally-relieving fatigue (so you can put the glass of wine down for one night), these super-ingredients are everything you'd want to come back to after a long day.
That moment of peace to re-balance in between the chaos is made incomparably more enjoyable with this invigorating trio of goodness from REN Skincare, who have formulated a bodycare range around both kelp and magnesium, using their properties to promote anti-fatigue, naturally replenished energy levels and cellular renewal. Without claiming to know the ins and outs of cellular renewal, we can be sure that letting cells detox every so often can only be a good thing. Magnesium and anti-oxidants, (like those found in kelp), stimulate this process to occur, and that's what makes your skin appear and feel more refreshed after a prolonged period of time (because, technically, it is "new" skin that's been given what it wants). These ingredients encourage cells to release their toxins and consequently regain the energy to function healthily. For me, the three heroes of the range are the bath oil, exfoliating body scrub and body wash...
That moment of peace to re-balance in between the chaos is made incomparably more enjoyable with this invigorating trio of goodness from REN Skincare, who have formulated a bodycare range around both kelp and magnesium, using their properties to promote anti-fatigue, naturally replenished energy levels and cellular renewal. Without claiming to know the ins and outs of cellular renewal, we can be sure that letting cells detox every so often can only be a good thing. Magnesium and anti-oxidants, (like those found in kelp), stimulate this process to occur, and that's what makes your skin appear and feel more refreshed after a prolonged period of time (because, technically, it is "new" skin that's been given what it wants). These ingredients encourage cells to release their toxins and consequently regain the energy to function healthily. For me, the three heroes of the range are the bath oil, exfoliating body scrub and body wash...
Atlantic Kelp and Micro-Algae Anti-Fatigue Bath Oil
For those that are into baths all year round (personally, I find them one of the most quick-fix ways to relax), this oil is more suited to the summer months, when indulgent, steaming baths aren't really what you're after, but revitalizing, refreshing ones are. One to two cap-fulls is enough; the scent lingers afterwards and it's the scent that works at calming the mind. I don't know what it is about bath oils, or oils in general, but the luxurious nature of them quickly turns a quick dip into a experience (only complete with candles), and knowing this one is just as good for your skin as it is your mind, bath-time doesn't get much better.
For those that are into baths all year round (personally, I find them one of the most quick-fix ways to relax), this oil is more suited to the summer months, when indulgent, steaming baths aren't really what you're after, but revitalizing, refreshing ones are. One to two cap-fulls is enough; the scent lingers afterwards and it's the scent that works at calming the mind. I don't know what it is about bath oils, or oils in general, but the luxurious nature of them quickly turns a quick dip into a experience (only complete with candles), and knowing this one is just as good for your skin as it is your mind, bath-time doesn't get much better.
Atlantic Kelp and Magnesium Anti-Fatigue Body Wash
Although exercise is invigorating and in the long run, should work to increase your energy levels through the day, there's no denying that straight afterwards, your body can feel a little zonked from having worked so hard. The presence of magnesium within this wash, over time, works to promote healthier cells and thus has a positive effect on your energy levels. If you're not one for the gym, it works just as well at waking you up in the morning (anything with 'anti-fatigue' in the name has got to be a morning go-to, especially on weekdays).
Atlantic Kelp and Magnesium Salt Anti-Fatigue Exfoliating Body Scrub
As important as it is to detox your skin's cells, it's just as necessary to get rid of the dead ones for a smooth, even texture; this is particularly vital if you're looking for a sunkissed glow over summer (real or fake). For me, putting a light, even layer of the scrub all-over before getting in the bath or shower allows time for the product to start absorbing into my skin (rather than just being washed away), promoting hydration and softer skin. After Ibiza, and sadly going a little rouge from too much soleil, I haven't wanted to over-do-it with scrubs in the fear of losing a few additional layers from my skin, but this one is gentle enough to remove the unwanted but still keep everything in tact. It can also double up as a soak if you layer it on pre-bath. Oh, and the smell is absolutely to die for; a signature sea-scent if ever I've smelt one.
REN Skincare Atlantic Kelp and Magnesium body range launches exclusively at renskincare.com and on counters in Space NK on May 30th.
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